The Dangerous Days Series–Baileigh Higgins

To be honest when I started reading this I thought it would be a cheap rip off of Dawn of the Dead, the first zombie scene with the woman trapped in the bathroom with her zombie husband outside the door wanting her brains for breakfast, I was almost ready to throw it aside within the first few pages but then it really picked up.

Set in South Africa, the three book series and prequel, follows the story of a small group of people who’s lives are changed in moments. This is a high speed, edge of your seat series. Even the inevitable romances are often fraught with danger. Nothing is set in stone in a zombie apocalypse.

I did find it a bit to co-incidental at times, I mean what are the chances of just running into so many people you know, in a large area, in the middle of a zombie apocalypse? I mean it could happen, if you had made a plan in advance but to just happen, and not once but quite a number of times? A bit unlikely but possible I suppose. And even with this flaw I found the whole series to be constantly exciting and interesting and I really have to say it, a nice change of scene, you read enough books set in America they start running together. Though to be honest, I expected more lions and wild life but that is just me stereotyping again lol. A zombie lion? hmmm no thanks.

Ok enough of the sidebar, there is a great range of characters here, my own favorite being Logan, the rugged loner more used to dealing with animals than people, who has a secret heart of gold for all his rough and tough manly man ways. He is a complex character with a dark past and very well written. Another unexpected favorite was Michael, but you will need to read the books to find out more about this deep and deadly character. Some of the characters acted in a completely expected way but some were just so surprising that you don’t see it coming. It really does keep the storyline fresh all the way through the series.

There are a wide range of directions taken in the books to, its not all about just surviving the zombies, there has to be other big bads right? so in the true tradition of the Walking Dead (would somebody just kill Negan already, its getting boring!) Our heroes have to face some truly vile people and save some desperate and traumatized people. But goodness should always prevail, it should but it doesn’t always. this is the zompoc in South Africa, anything is possible when so many cultures come together in one place.

I really enjoyed this series, for all its expected moments there are enough unexpected ones to make it a good solid series and you know I only review the books I enjoy and are happy to recommend. So next time your browsing Amazon for something new, look up The Dangerous Days series and let me know what you think.

Happy reading